We’re looking forward to talking about year end tax planning and branding for 2019 on this page very soon but first we’re reminding everyone one more time how very important voting in Tuesday’s midterms is for all of us.
We’re living through a turbulent time and it’s vital that we all participate in elections. It’s one of the rights guaranteed citizens and its free exercise makes America better. When you vote next week we ask that you pay special attention to which measures and representatives might support small businesses in your community and help build a stronger future for all of us.
Voting is easy! Here are some resources to help.
This link allows you to check your registration status and view a sample ballot: https://www.jeffcomo.org/SampleBallot.aspx?nodeID=VoterInformation
Once you have a sample ballot, head to https://www.vote411.org/ to read up on all the ballot initiatives and mark your sample ballot. You can take it with you to the polling place, so feel free to review it and use it while you vote.
Now you’re ready! Show up at your polling place Tuesday the 6th and make your voice heard.