We had a great day at the St. Louis Business Expo! We met fantastic new people, reconnected with old friends, and enjoyed the heck out of decorating our booth.
We also talked a lot about networking; what it is, what it isn’t, and what it shouldn’t be.
Our attendance at things like this is relatively rare and that’s a deliberate choice on our part. There’s value in presenting your idea to a group or a moving line of strangers, but it’s ultimately limited by your ability to connect. Networking organizations and groups also have their place, but they’re often more invested in monetizing the act of networking or “protecting” their membership by discouraging competition.
We’ve discovered that the ultimate networking opportunity is taking a moment to build authentic, personal, valuable connections with individuals. Whether someone is a client, lead, or fascinating person in general the most memorable interactions are ones where problems get solved, resources are shared, or compassion is offered.
Networking doesn’t have to take place in a formal setting and there’s no right script to use. The pond is big enough for all of us to swim in, so let’s take every chance to make real connections.
Get out there and talk to each other!