We’ve been talking a lot around the Henpire about what we want to do differently this year. We believe in learning from our mistakes and we highly recommend a hard look in the mirror occasionally.
What we’ve realized is that owning a business doesn’t necessarily make you a professional. It feels like it should, but the line between amateur and professional is baked in to your choices, rather than your position. We see the difference between pro and amateur in our clients and it’s reflected in our interactions with them.
Pros deliver results with a minimum of fuss. They’re aware of their skillset, their worth, and their ability to deliver. They are confident in their pricing. Pros have generally spent time and effort honing their craft, but even a beginner can behave like a professional. It’s more about behavior than time.
Amateurs are often awesome people with amazing ideas. But they react instead of plan, are surprised by needs and costs, and don’t yet have systems in place to handle repeating events.
So this is the year we all go pro! Red Hen’s going to step up our game and we’re going to push our clients to improve. We’re all going to prioritize doing work over networking. We’re going to examine our price structures, develop systems, and build habits. We’re going to let go of models that don’t work and build dreams that have legs. If you’re affiliated with the Henpire it’s pro time now.
We were inspired by Seth Godin’s take on this. You can read it here: https://seths.blog/2019/01/are-you-selling-to-a-professional-or-an-amateur/